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Losing a loved one is a profound experience. A little counselling can help a lot – socially, emotionally, spiritually. Our counsellors are professionally trained to help bereaved individuals and families in the Jewish community, with complete confidentiality. And they’re just a phone call away. We also have an open, ongoing support group that you can attend whenever you need (email for latest dates and times.

No matter how you feel, all your feelings are normal. They are part of your mind and body’s natural reaction to the pain of loss and grieving. Experience has shown that grieving can be a growth experience, when we learn to work through our mixed feelings by talking about them. But talking about our feelings is not easy. That is where our trained counsellors can help you express how you feel so that you can manage your grief. Judaism provides a very sensitive source of comfort at this time. The laws, the customs, the philosophies and the beliefs blend and harmonise to address the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of the mourner. Call us today or when you feel ready to do so, however long it takes.

For more information please call Linda at Chev Social Services on 011 532 9701 or email

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