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Parshat Terumah – Kindness toward God

Parshat Terumah – Kindness toward God

When we talk about kindness, we usually think of it in terms of doing good for another person. However, kindness can also be expressed in our service of God. Although God does not need our kindness, our desire to give to Him shows our love for Him. God instructed...
Torah Corner – Kindness Mishpatim

Torah Corner – Kindness Mishpatim

Being in pain or sick is an unfortunate yet inevitable part of life. The physical discomfort is often accompanied by mental anguish and anxiety.  The Torah therefore insists that a doctor should do whatever he can to heal an injured or sick person. Doing so is...
Parshat Terumah – Kindness toward God

Torah Corner – Parashat Yitro – Religiosity and Kindness

As the Jewish people are about to receive the Torah on Mount Sinai, Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, gives Moses some invaluable and wise advice. Amongst his words of wisdom, Jethro advises Moses to teach the people “the path in which they should go”. The Talmud...
Parshat Terumah – Kindness toward God

The transformative power of kindness – Parshat Bo

The Plague of Darkness, which lasted for six days, was so severe and tangible that the Egyptians were not able to walk around. How then, did the Egyptians manage to get food and water? The Netziv says that it must have been the Jews, who were able to see and move...
Torah Corner – Kindness Mishpatim

Torah Corner – Parashat Va’eira – Reciprocal Kindness

To accomplish the first plague, the Plague of Blood, God tells Moses to instruct Aaron to stretch the staff over the waters. It is so strange that Aaron, as opposed to Moses, was chosen to be the messenger to carry out this plague. The Medrash explains: When Moses was...
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